Thursday, December 29, 2011

Screech Till The Wake Of Dawn.

(I updated my blog with two other posts below. Scroll down to see if you want to. :))
Went out with Sherry and Adriana today. :) Went for KTV, we were there from 1PM+ to 6PM. 
Why yes, it was awesome. But sadly we were too engrossed with singing that we didn't take much pics.

Replacing it with camwhore~
..At least I took a pic of my food..? Chicken Lasagna. b:

I would've photoshopped my face here...
But then again, I'm too lazy and couldn't care less anyways.

I'm lucky that my voice didn't break.... the eardrums of innocent people.

I'm going for school orientation tomorrow, so you have no idea how nervous I am.
Since I've been in my old school 99% of my life, changing into a new one is seriously.. idk. 

I don't even know what they do on orientation day. :(
Wishmeluckkthxbyegoodnight. *dies of nervousness*

Random Photography.

Took a few photos on the way back from Seremban since my dad wanted to take a new highway and enjoy the scenery. 

Enjoy nature.

Wedding Dresses And Oriental Delicacies.

Went to my relative's wedding in Bangsar. It was on Christmas Eve actually. So... yeah... if any of you were there, I'm sure you saw this purple-ish dress girl walking very fast and retardedly in heels. 

I had a lot of cuts and bruises on my feet. :/ There's this one big hole-like cut that doesn't wanna recover.

 Me and auntie. She's at Singapore now. I miss her already. :( See you during CNY!

 Auntie Zhuo-Er. :D

Then Auntie followed me home cause I forced her to TEEHEE and we spent some time watching very retarded vids. 

She also experimented many diff braids on my hair cause she says my hair is nice to tie. ._. No don't be deceived. It's actually mega dry.

Fishtail braid.(?)

 I'm not sure about this one. o.o
 Went to Magyk for Christmas dinner. Sorry if the photos were horrible, it was very dark. :/

 Turkey! Auntie's order. :)

 Dessert. I loved it a lot. :D idk why, I always look forward to desserts like these. Chocolate cakes and vanilla ice-cream make an amazing combination.

 Did a photography on the wedding...erhm... (what's that thing for the guests during wedding? gifts?) Yeah. :)
It was wonderfullll~


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Night At The Oscars.

Credits to Sze for the first pic. :)
Curled our hair for the first time, and I was kinda horrified at first when I saw my hair.
It was all puffy and pixie-like. ._. *shudders*.

 My little pixie socks and shoes. 
 Who does he remind you of? Taeyang.
 At Premiere Hotel, lights!


 Shawn Lee beatboxing. The best performance of the night. :) 

 Awkward...dancing... for some reason.

 Went in the elevator to explore!
 My bro won the lucky draw.

 Senior group pics!

 They liked his hair. LOL.

Quite and awkward night...but I guess it was more fun at home? hahahhaah. :)
