Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Fishball!

About 3 weeks ago, it was dear Fishball's birthday!
We just had a small celebration at his house, so I just took pics of him.
 He's very kind of addicted to his bottle.... it just never leaves his mouth. o_O
 He likes taking pics, so he kept telling me to take more. TROLOLOL.
Fishball and Fishball's cute hand. :D

If you're hungry, please do not continue.

I went to Lavender for lunch with dad and bro after that at Jusco.
It's the first time I've been there since last year.

So I guess it's time for food photography!

Chocolate milkshake:
 The garlic bread, so.... omg. FANTASTIC. I can never get enough.
 This is.... some kind of salmon and soup with rice? 
 ...This rice has raisins. ._. 

Anyways, coming up, cousin's wedding!
Sorry if the post is kinda rushy and all that. :/

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