Monday, October 31, 2011

Must Keep Posting!

I should not make promises I can't keep! :(
I've been quite sick lately, as you can see I'm in the house when I'm supposed to be doing nothing in school.

I only took pics of 2 events, and this is gonna be long cause I have a tendency to take countless pictures. :)
Okay! Let's start with the night I went to dinner at the same place my cousin had her wedding dinner that time..... with the same cousin! :D

Ahh okay I shut up now. :x
 (Jaeden Photography below)

 I feel accomplished cause Jaeden is the most difficult photo target EVER. :D 

 Look at the hot face to the right to the right~

The morning after, Cause the pics above were just at night. :)
This is gonna be.... mostly about food only btw. I'm sorry! :O

Coffee Bean! 

There's this one ramen shop at Tokyo Street in Pavilion......
It's so amazing, seriously.
I have never eaten ramen before, because my stomach rejects noodles,

But this, THIS. So heavenly. I ordered the pork one though, sorry to the one who can't eat. :(
The other ramen are still nice too. :)

I'm not sure about you guys, but I really recommend this place.

Oh! Take note that the pic below is the small bowl. I barely finished. o.o Maybe small stomach?
 I took this from the shopping mall window. :) Almost nightfall, but can't see the beautiful lights yet. :(
This ice-cream is really a must-try dessert. :D On the spot, and my mom's favorite.
Why? Cause it's Organic!

I have never eaten any other flavour except for chocolate, (okay, maybe watermelon, once)
But this is so aweshum. :D

Just in case, it's more like youghgurt (sorry if there's spelling error) than ice-cream.

 Sparkly wall is sparkly. :)

 Now for some awesome photography! :D
Okay fine at least it's awesome for me, I'm still learning. :)

Yipee Tai Yooo!
Sorry, it keeps playing in my head and I need to express it. :O

Next post coming up! :)

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