Friday, June 29, 2012

Olympic Day.

Our school had an Olympic Day.
So basically, our homeroom teachers would be given the name of a random country, and our homeroom would be decorated according to the theme of the country. Students can even dress up in their traditional costumes. 

The principal, as usual, did not allow the secondary students to take part...all because of academics.
Someone needs to do something about her or none of us will be able to get a scholarship.

We were allowed to look around for an hour in the nicely decorated places though. And we could watch the parade that took place in the morning.
And again. Because the teacher kept blabbering on and on again, my group ended up missing the parade, while the other group even managed to go downstairs and enjoy. Dad suggested I throw rocks at them lol. 

After having tears of frustration and anger, we just went to look around the stalls.
And if we were allowed to take our cameras that day, I would've taken pictures of everything cause it was really nice! Many foods, different countries, lots of fun!

Me and Rochelle went for face painting and together with Kim, Sam and the others had a fun time trying out all the food.
And when it was already past one hour, we had to go back to class. 

But I skipped that class anyway cause fuck them, I'm not going back there after all the shit that's happened.

Overall, it was okay. And it was real relaxed after. :)

The stuff I got:
Only for RM2, made by the primary students. So cute! :)

Face painting was nice. :)

We get passport stamps of each country we visited. I had others on my other hand, but I was too lazy to take a pic.

I have learnt the true meaning of no-fun and restriction.
Thanks to this school, I know what being in jail sort of feels like.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Home of The Finest Tea In The World.

Went to Pavilion today and had brunch at TWG while waiting for my bro to finish class at uni.

Pictures were taken by phone since I forgot to bring out my camera. :/
 The macarons tasted very different from the others I tried, better actually. :)

 This salad has the strongest smell and taste of cheese EVER. And the lettuce was actually spicy. ._.

 So delicious.
 While we were looking for tea to buy, watch how the surface of the teapot shines in the bulbsunlight.

 Mom dolled me up cause she said I looked like some witch with my hair down. ;-; so yeah, I ended up looking 5 years younger.
Put on the most retarded/pevertic smile I could.
Successful, no? :D

Aunt also asked me to post a photo or it didn't YES. IT DID HAPPEN. ;___;

We went out for dinner and we ate clams.. 
When we opened one of them, look!
A clam within a clam. :)
There was one time a few days before where I found a baby crab inside the clam too. 

I shall take more pictures next time. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Annndd I'm Back.

Liking all the bright colours? :D 
I feel feminine lately. Very feminine. 
I was about to go for the minimal style, but my mind literally filled with girly, bright colours.. Though now I'm desperate for the look again.

Anywho, went out to 1U today in this dress that I got from Rochelle, which, kind of made me look like some 22-year-old slut. :( I solely regret wearing it.

Not that the dress was ugly, it was really nice and mature-looking. I've never actually worn the dress before,  and I was never really into leopard print, so I wanted to try it for once. 
It's probably cause my body size was bigger than hers by a lot, but the skirt was actually going higher up every step I took. And with heels, It didn't make it any better. 

And since many people have already seen it, I guess I'll show it anyway.

I know I look bigger now, But I'll be losing some pounds soon! :)

 Yeah, so if you see a girl wearing this walking around like a wannabe adult, it was me. :( brbcrying

Sadness and embarrassment aside, I bought the Poppin Cookin set! :D
I had the ramen one, but I haven't tried making it yet. 
So I guess I'll be trying this first... by myself.

Like a meal for a lonesome person. :(

Ah kay it's time for dinner. :) Toodles.