Thursday, August 25, 2011

Roadway To Freedom!

Its been AGES since I blogged! Gosh.
And I owe a lot of pics.
So, you know.... this is going to be a VERY LONG POST. VERY LONG.

Trials are over, so I'm temporarily free. :)
Oh yes... my trip to KL! But not without the pic of me and Kei when she came to my house.
I'll show you the others after tomorrow. :P teehee!
Oh, and this is Kei reading one of the LookBooks I bought. 
 It started off with my mom picking me and my bro up to her house on Saturday.... then we just rested awhile... ate Korean Food after so long! :D woohoo!

Many KPOP celebrities ate here... 
(Ukiss, Rain, Jay Park, etc.....)

We ate upstairs for the first time. :) And heres a decoration beside our table!
 Beanie was playing with food. ._.
Oh, my mom was ordering like mad..... and she could eat so much omg. Oh well. Genetics. :D

I ordered Kimchi Soup, and ended up crying and sweating so much. -_-
Yes, I just can't take spicy food.... no matter how little the spicyness is... but I can't help it! It's so freaking delicious!

Another decoration.....

We ordered these about 2-3 times trololol.

Oh yes, and I currently LOVE cabbage wrap. :) yknow.... wrapping the meat up in cabbage/lettuce (lolsry I'm not sure ;-;) And adding stuff to it... and then stuffing it into your mouth in one go.
Went to Sze's house... then she stayed over at my mom's while we talk about everything. :)
Oh yes... we spent the whole day together on Sunday. 

My mom brought us out for breakfast at this mee hon soup shop.... and none of us could finish except for my bro. -_-

Camwhore in the car on the way to Pavilion! 

Jaeden is pleased.

We just walked around in Pavilion after splitting up into two groups and we walked around the mall! 
Unfortunately, we could only explore half of it. -_-

I HAD to take these pics! :) they were so aweshum~
Okay fine no more words... just pictures.... unless I feel like it.

This Japanese shop sells nothing but polaroid cameras of many kinds!
 I think I'm going to krai.;-;
 Domo says hi. :)

 Guess where? I bought something for someone here too, using my whole wallet money I had. ._.
You know who you are, hope you like it! :)

Met up with my mom when I was done, and we decided to drive back home to rest awhile.
My mom bought Mochi for us!

Mine was chocolate, Sze's was vanilla and my bro's was pandan I guess.
 Me and Sze.... (and my adorable little mochi)
 Blurrer shot. -_- Sze got those specs for RM5 LOL.
 I randomly took a pic of the outside scenery. :)
We reached my mom's house and.... we camwhored. Again.
I feel as if I have a lion's head. ._.

 Sze told me to take a pic of the specs, the flash ones were better, so I just saved this. :)
We went to steamboat for dinner, and this one had many Malaysian celebrity customers. 
On the way to the washroom, there's a mini-zoo-thing!

We were wondering if this huge tortoise was real... and it was! ._. 

 Random pic of food! (Coconut goes great with steamboat!)
 After the meal, me and Sze wanted to camwhore infront of this pond, but failed so badly. -_-
Someone threw an eaten prawn! LMAO.

 Jaeden was waiting for the balloon to be made. He looks so tiny omg.
This, my dear readers, is a balloon machine gun! :D
Btw, mom was all scared of balloons.

Mom: Omg so scary the balloon.
Balloon person: You big girl already, why still so scared of balloon?


Jaeden got a balloon sword as a bonus too. :)
Ending this pic-spam with Sze and Jaeden!
Oh well, my hands hurt and all from this... Wow, almost an hour already. ._.
Urgh. I hope the holidays would be nice. :)

Tomorrow, a big day!
Good Night~

Thursday, August 18, 2011

This Is So Difficult.

I'm trying to force myself to just take a book and study.
I have trials next week! 

But I find it very very hard.
And yep, Kei came to my house yesterday. Had lots of fun. :)

I'll post the pics when I'm free, I'm just gonna start with Geography....
And I'll be sleeping from it in about less than 10mins.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I Domo, You Domo, Everybody Domo.

-credits to owner-
Why Domo?
Cause I was talking to my tuition teacher about Domo LOL.
She said that she wanted a plush toy, so I introduced her to Domo.

And since I find Domo very addictive to say, I kept saying Domo in my sentences... and that's how I got my title. 
Though, I find myself getting kinda sick from Domo, sorry to the Domo lovers. :O

Cause everywhere I go, I see Domo!
There was a section of a shop where every single thing is Domo.
Erasers, Rulers, Bags, Pencil box, plush toy, bottle.

So yeah. But I still love saying Domo. 
Anyways, Kei is coming to my house tomorrow. :)


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Shave And A Haircut.... 7283 Bits!

Title from Roger Rabbit. :)
Went to Jusco with dad today, just to grab some lunch/tea break. Met my cousin. She's working there. :)
I ordered the usual! Sorry,I only took a picture of my drink. ._. The food just disappeared...into my mouth.

Before going to Jusco, I went to the hair salon. For a haircut! :)
 Just my fringe actually. Nothing else.... and I do NOT want to cut my hair short. Ever.

Act cute face? TROLOLOL.
 I bought my friends big correction tapes. :D woohoo! And they're colourful too.
Oh, and other stuff I bought for myself.

I also saw this hot guy in this shop.... my dad says he's the manager? ._. 
I also find that he likes walking around, cause I saw him about a couple of times everytime he decided to have a stroll around Jusco.
And he changed his style! asdfghjkl.
Outfit of the day, 
Sequin/glitter/rhinestone shirt from ZARA...(I think)
Supposedly skinny jeans from Levi's.

Oh, I'm also upgrading my phone right now, cause yknow, it keeps failing when it almost finishes, pisses me off everytime. So, I'm PRAYING it works. 


Saturday, August 13, 2011

I Can't Think Of A Title For This.

Sorry for the random pic. It's the 13th, it's that month again and I'm supersticious. (however you spell it)
I guess today was an "okay" day. My cousins came and we had fun.

Skyped with Szee too, and she was being a troll, got trolled almost twice. -_-

Btw, cheer up KayJie! Your sis still loves you. :D

I didn't go out today, so no pics and no long post.
Oh, and I completely changed my blog.... though there was a time I panicked cause I installed this theme and it sucked.... and I couldn't remove it.

But it's okay now. ;D woohoo!
Goodnight all!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm a Sagittarius. Never trust me.

Got this limited-edition polaroid camera. Yup, it's Barbiee. 
Hahah, just kidding. It's an old toy I used to have. :)
Yeah, you obviously won't fall for this right? trololol.

I got the title from FaceBook.
There was a status that said 
NEVER believe in 3 people ♥ Sagittarius, Aries, Pisces. They are the most selfish and mean.
                                NEVER lose 3 people ♥ Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn. They are the most sincere and true lovers.
NEVER leave 3 people ♥ Virgo, Libra, Scorpio. They can keep secrets, friendship , and they can see your tears.
NEVER reject 3 people ♥ Leo, Gemini, Aquarius .They are true, honest friends. :)

I don't know about you, but I find this hilarious. :)
And since I'm a Sagi, I'm selfish, mean and untrustable. TEEHEE.

Kind of a big day tomorrow, filled with events and whatnot.

Today was epic too. :) me and Addy went to steal the radio... success! hahah.
Also did the banner thing with some classmates for Maths and Science Day tomorrow. Love school events so much, cause there's no studies! :D

Will post more tomorrow.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Get Me Out.

Today was such a suckish day.
Now I just feel like fainting, crying.... maybe even drop dead.

I didn't even manage to get around a couple of hours sleep. 
I'm starting to wonder what on earth is bothering me.

And those indirectly hurtful words you said just made it worse.

No pictures for today, sorry.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Might Give You Nightmares.

Went shopping with dad today, and we bought 2 pairs of jeans, one long and one medium-length. :)
The long jeans were so damn expensive cause they were from Levi's. :/

I tried to experiment with GIMP, since I was too lazy to look at tutorials.
I decided to try putting on makeup using it.... and yeah, seriously looked like I used Paint. LOL.

The first one, I didn't do anything but the eyes. :) 
The SECOND one, however, might just give you nightmares.
I made the eyes "pop out" a little by adding thick eyeliner and pink lenses.

Well, obviously not real lenses, I couldn't even wear prescriptive ones. Optician says no no. ._.
And this one... yeah. Just the eyes. :) Wanted to do the hair too, but that'll just make it look more fake than it already is trololol. 
IKR. I feel like a..... cartoon. ._.

Well, time to go and get some early rest. Need to prepare for more bad results.
And yknow, just knowing I have school tomorrow is enough to ruin my mood already.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Photoshop? GIMP.

I tried to edit my photo using the newly-installed GIMP.
Wanted to edit with eyeliner or something.... but it made me look as if I used Paint. ._.

My attempt to photoshop! 
I accidentally replaced the original pic with it FML. :(

I'm gonna go shopping tomorrow with dad btw, just hope he doesn't go all whiny like a typical guy would do this time. I'll be damn pissed.